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Calendar Event Details

Here are the details for the events listed on our calendar for the Month of August.

Fri, Aug 3 - NO Freedom Bikers Night because of Krazy Days

Fri, Aug 3 - Middleboro Krazy Days 

SOTC will have a booth at this event.

See Rich Ruscetta for details.

Facebook Info:  Community street festival supporting small business and non-profit orgs., family entertainment, with vendor booths, live entertainment for the family!


Sat, Aug 4  - Middleboro Krazy Days


Mon, Aug 6 Officers Meeting            

 Rich will run meeting in Jim and Kathy's absence.  

Tue, Aug 7 - Two Wheel Tuesday

Meet at Dunkin Donuts at the Middleboro rotary (routes 18/28/44) at 5PM with KSU 5:30 .  

Come for a fun ride to some unknown destination and then dinner. The Chapter "mystery ride" is weekly to some biker night or other event.


Fri, Aug 10 -  CCBC Bike Night in RI

Meet at DD at the Middleboro rotary 565 West Grove Street at 4:30 with KSU 5:00. 

Event details:  City on a Hill Motorcycle Ministry and Christian Community Bible Church, 25 Metropolitan Park Drive, Riverside, RI  Event from 6:30 to 9:00pm.  Any questions, call Pastor Mike at 508-837-1866.

Sat, Aug 11 - Travis Albert Memorial Scholarship Poker Run

Meet at DD at the rotary, 565 W Grove St, Middleboro at 10:am KSU 10:30 weather permitting.   

Event details:  Travis Albert Memorial Scholarship Poker Run Ted Williams Camp 28 Precinct St, Lakeville.   ALL forms of transportation are welcome!!  11:30am – 7:00pm 

Sat, Aug 11 - Chapter Meeting

Meet at DD at the rotary, 565 W Grove St, Middleboro at 5pm

Rich will run meeting in Jim and Kathy's absence. 

Sun, Aug 12 - 13th Annual "Flight of the Angels"

Meet at Dunkin 9:am KSU 9:30           Check weather reports.

POLICE ESCORTED .Registration from 9:30 until 11:00. Ride leaves promptly at 11:00. WHERE: Beginning at Florian Hall, Dorchester, Ma., with a scenic ride through the south shore, ending at Blackraspberry Pub, Cordage Park, Plymouth, Ma. Registration, $20 per bike, additional rider $10. First 100 participants will receive a t-shirt. Food, music, raffle prizes and 50/50


Tue, Aug 14 -- Two Wheel Tuesday 

Meet at Dunkin Donuts at the Middleboro rotary (routes 18/28/44) at 5PM with KSU 5:30 .  

Come for a fun ride to some unknown destination and then dinner. The Chapter "mystery ride" is weekly to some biker night or other event.


Wed, August 15 - Perewitz Bike Nite

Meet at 940 Plymouth St, Halifax.  Come hang out from 6-9pm!   Food, music, tons of bikes and more!

Fri, Aug 17 -- FREEDOM BIKER"S NIGHT Bible Study

Meet at Life House Church 17 Jericho Rd, Middleboro, MA


Sat, Aug 18 -- SOC Fellowship Breakfast

8:00 am.  Meet at Mo’s Place, 1357 Main St, Hanson.


Sun, Aug 19 -- Woody's Ride for SEMMSF

Meet at DD at the rotary, 565 W. Grove Street, Middleboro at 9:00 with KSU at 9:30.

Event takes place at Emerald Hall Abington Banquette Hall.  Honoring their Past President Rick Wood.  Registration: 10:00 AM to Noon, KSU 12:30 PM.  $20.00 Per Person (includes food) - Cash Bar.

Vendors - Raffles - 50/50 - Merchandise

* LIVE MUSIC Donated by local band DEFRET *


* SPECIAL PERFORMANCE Donated by SES Carney from Science Channel's Oddities and Ripley's Believe it or not.


Tue, Aug 21 -- Two Wheel Tuesday

Meet at Dunkin Donuts at the Middleboro rotary (routes 18/28/44) at 5PM with KSU 5:30.  

Come for a fun ride to some unknown destination and then dinner. The Chapter "mystery ride" is weekly to some biker night or other event.


Fri, Aug 24 -- Rich Barrett's Funeral    (Founding member of Soldiers of the Cross)

Rich Barrett’s funeral will be at the National Cemetery Otis at 10:a.m.   Arrive 20 minutes before, follow signs on the right that says funeral.


There will be 2 meeting points for SOC Chapter members:

--Blake will meet people at Dunkin Donuts at rotary in Middleboro who want to ride to secondary Harley-Davidson meeting place.    KSU at 0830. 

--Rich will meet people at Cape Cod Harley RT. 28 over the Bourne bridge.   KSU 9:30.


Sun, Aug 26 -- N.E. Ride for Kids

Meet at Dunkin Donuts at the rotary (intersection of 18/28/44) at 7:00am with KSU 7:30.

Please join us at the 2018 New England Ride For Kids.


Ride starting at BOSE Headquarters in Framingham, Mass.


In 2018, this will be our 21st Ride for Kids in New England, as we raise awareness and funds for pediatric brain tumor research. The Ride for Kids is the longest-running, most successful motorcycle charity event in the nation.


Our family-friendly rides will take place in 32 locations, featuring moving stories from local brain tumor survivors and their families. You’ll have a chance to win a Honda Motorcycle, BOSE Sound system and other great prizes. Everyone on-site gets a free raffle ticket.


On-site registration 8:00-9:30 am; 9:30 am sharp close of registration; kickstands up at 10:00 am


Tue, Aug 28 -- Two Wheel Tuesday

Meet at Dunkin Donuts at the Middleboro rotary (routes 18/28/44) at 5PM with KSU 5:30 .  

Come for a fun ride to some unknown destination and then dinner. The Chapter "mystery ride" is weekly to some biker night or other event.


Christian Motorcyclists Association, Soldiers of the Cross, Chapter #950, Middleboro, MA   

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